Cartoon happy reindeer created by Gloria Poole , Nov 2013
">Since Fuschia Rabbit, Red Cap Monkey, Blue Kangaroo and baby didn't get to the first picnic
the Lady Bugs had, and since the giant lizard did, the Lady Bugs decided to schedule another picnic
in a safer place than The Meadow.
They put their heads together and came up with the idea that probably the Fantasy Forest would appeal more to Red Cap Monkey,
Fuschia Rabbit and Blue Kangaroo, so they scheduled the Twin Mushrooms pavilion for the day of the picnic.
Pg. 5
Then they hand wrote invitations, because hand-written invitations are waaaaaaaaay better than ordinary typed ones and are more fitting and proper etiquette.
Here is one of their invitations:
![cartoon-invitation-ladybug-picnic-gloriapoole-Nov-2013]() |
cartoon-invitation-ladybug-picnic-by- gloriapoole-Nov-2013 |
So they sent the invitations by U S mail and
they put one on the web for those whose addresses they didn't know.
They included a set of directions with it instead of a map,even though the invitation said "map included".
They reasoned that anyone who couldn't read would probably feel uncomfortable at their picnic anyway,
so written instructions were more informative.
> |
They sent along a photo of Fantasy Forest to help them recognize it,
just in case some weren't local or had never spent any time in the forest.
They even told them whom to R.S.V.P too. R.S.V.P. means repondez s'il vous plait in French
which means in English please respond whether or not you plan to attend.
They wrote that Lady Octavia Bug could be called if one of the guests got lost on the way to Fantasy Forest.
"Now, then..." thought the Lady Bugs. "We have planned carefully.
The Twin Mushrooms will be a much safer placefor a picnic than the open meadow.
And we have invited properly those we want to attend, and have sent directions.
Now, then we must begin to plan the menu. "
Pg. 6
When Lady Octavia got home, she called up Fuchsia Rabbit on her cell phone to ask
if she received the invitation and directions. Ring Ring! Fuchsia Rabbit answered.
"Fuchsia Rabbit, we missed you at the picnic and have sent you an invitation to another picnic ,
with directions. " begins Lady Octavia.
Fuchsia Rabbit replies, "yes, those came in the mail. Thank you very much. "
"Well, I don't want to pry but I was wondering why you missed the first picnic? " asks Lady Octavia,
"perhaps you didn't know the way?"
"Oh, no dear, I know the way. We rabbits always know our way around to the places where carrots and leafy greens are,
"replied Fuschia Rabbit, "but I think you might laugh when I tell you what happened. "
"Well, possibly, because I was quite worried Lone Wolf had eaten you! Not a laughing matter at all, " says Lady Octavia.
"Lone Wolf? I don't know him, Is he new in The Meadow?" asks Fuchsia.
"How can you not know him? He is ferocious. And those teeth--why he could probably swallow you in one bite,"
says Lady Octavia obviously stressed.
"Well, I don't think I have ever met him,"replies Fushcia.
"I will zing over to you right now a photo I took of him once on my cell phone when
we Lady Bugs say him approaching. You must always know your enemies," says Lady Octavia,
and she hits the green send button on her cellphone. Zing!

Those teeth of his are scary. I will certainly be on the look-out for him from now on."
"But Fushcia, you didn't tell me why you didn't come to the first picnic., " replies Lady Octavia.
"Now, don't laugh because it's absolutely true. But my built in wi-fi just went berserk that day," says Fuchsia.
"Your built in wi-fi?" asks Lady Octavia.
"My whiskers!" answer Fuchsia Rabbit, "my whiskers are antennas, surely you knew that about rabbits?"
"Well, maybe. But I didn't know you picked the wi-fi signal on them!" says Lady Octavia rather excitedly, "who knew?"
Fuchsia said, " well, when that Satnav, or GlossNost Satellite goes over my head, my whiskers tingle at first,
then vibrate furiously. I get mixed signals with the planet earth,
and I have to just stop in my tracks. It becomes confusing to me. "

"but unfortunately I I don't get free wi-fi on them. I am not even sure
what a satellite is."
"I have a photo of one I saved from the news.Can you receive multi-media on your cell phone?'asks Fuchsia,
" I will send it to you."
"Sure, can't everybody?"replies Lady Octavia.
Fuchsia send the photo.

Fuchsia replies, "yes, I think it is over the ocean in that photo in the news. It is really quite amazing because
it sends T.V. and wifi signals and it can jam signals too," says Fuchsia.
"What!," exclaims Lady Octavia with fury rising, "maybe that is what happens to my home wi-fi?"
"It is possible. I read all about in the BBC news and saved the photo just in case I ever saw it,
I would recognize it", says Fuchsia Rabbit.
"Can you see into outer space?asks Lady Octavia.
"We rabbits are nocturnal creatures so we have very good night vision, "replies Fushcia,
"and the satellite passes over head and sort of glows so I imagine that it is it."
"hmm, what to think? asks Lady Octavia, "but I have so many tasks to accomplish before the next picnic."
"Maybe I will wrap my whiskers in tin foil before heading to the Twin Mushrooms pavilion," says Fushcia Rabbit as she rings off.
Lady Octavia laughs heartily, "that would be a sight to behold for certain!
Why it's a hysterical image in my mind to think on it, "says Lady Octavia.
Pg 7.
Did you get lost, dear? asks Lady Octavia.
Red Cap Monkey replied, "Ms Octavia, I was on my way there. And the sun was roasting my behind!
I got all sweaty and then I saw the banana tree and the fruit there,
and I could almost taste it. And I thought how cool the banana tree forest is, and
I just went there instead."

Red quickly realized he had hurt her feelings, so he said, "Lady Octavia, there's more to it.
I guess I just don't like to admit it but its' true. I was scared."
"Scared of what, Red?' asks Lady Octavia.
"Well. To tell you the truth I am not sure what that thing in the sky is, but it scares me", answers Red.
"Oh, do you mean the satellite? asks Lady Octavia.
"No, I mean that thing that looks like a mechanical bird. Some people call it a drone,
but I call it bombardier bird ,"replies Red Cap.
"Bombadier Bird?", asks Lady Octavia, " I don't think I have seen that.
Fuchsia Rabbit just told me about the satellite about ten minutes ago. I guess I have been out-of-the-loop
on electronics."
"That bombardier bird is an attack thing in disguise. I am sure of it," says Red.
"How can you be so sure?, asks Lady Octavia.
"I saw it with my own two eyes as it nose-dived, scooped up something,
took flight with its mechanical wings going 90 miles a minute," says Red.
"Well, birds do have wings you know, and 90 miles a minute is not so fast for a bird," replies Lady Octavia.
"Ms Octavia, that is no bird! If you ever saw it you would know what I mean," replies Red Cap.
"Do you have a picture of it by any chance?, asks Lady Octavia,
" I would certainly like to see what you are talking about."
"Yes, I photographed it on my cell phone, thinking this is news,
that maybe I should send to the newspaper,"replies Red Cap.
"Well. Zing it over to me right now please. You have stoked my curiosity, "says Lady Octavia.
So, Red Cap found the photo on his cell phone and clicked the green send button.
"There, I've sent it, " he said,"Let me know if you don't receive it."

"Yes, I am convinced it is not real, but mechanical spy," says Red.
"Oh, before I forget. There is one other thing to watch for on the path to Fantasy Forest," says Lady Octavia.
"it is not so much a risk to you because of your size, but of course, if they smashed into you,
they could break some bones or something,
so you have to be aware. Also, you can help spread the word. I am talking about the lady bug smashers," says Lady Octavia.
"I have never seen those, "replies Red Cap.
"That might not be their real name, but it is what I call them.
If they run over a lady bug, it's all over but the crying," replies Lady Octavia.
"I'll zing a photo over to you right now."
"Not the little humans, silly. That thingamajig they are riding on," replies Lady Octavia.
"Oh, yea, I see. I almost overlooked that, looking at the beautiful little people,"says Red Cap,
" you know humans like monkeys, and monkeys like humans. I am not afraid of them" says Red.
"Those lady bug smashers could land you in the hospital if they hit you, and
they absolutely send lady bugs to the morgue", replies Lady Octavia.
"You have to be careful around them. I saw them the other day on my way to the Fantasy Forest. "
Pg 8:
Orange-bear-couple-cartoon-by-Gloria Poole; watercolors; 2013 |
The Twin Mushroom Towers of the Fantasy Forest are where the up-coming Lady Bug Picnic is to take place,
and it has a hostel that has a family room for out of town company.
Mr and Mrs. Orange Bear are owners of the"Welcome Home" hostel.
she finds Mr and Mrs Orange Bear sitting on the grassy knoll.
Mrs. Orange Bear said, " well, we knew you were coming because you texted us,
and we wanted to make sure you found us."
Lady Octavia was overjoyed, because the hostel's family suite was spacious, airy, comfortable,peaceful
AND affordable. "Why, to think", she thought to herself, "that any guests coming to the picnic from far away can stay here
and be comfortable,and not break their budget." "Mr and Mrs Bear, I am so happy to know about this place.
The Twin Mushrooms pavilion is already scheduled for that day, but I am a bit worried if it should pour down rain
and our guests be in a tizzy. Are reservations required?", she asks.
but reservations are not required. If you or your guests get in a pickle,
Just call on your way here. We'll make room if we have too. "
"Oh, thank you very much, " Lady Octavia beamed
as she spoke the words. "Here is my card, if you need to get in touch with me.
We have sent invitations to Fuschia Rabbit, Red Cap Monkey,
Blue Kangaroo whose name by the way is Mama Kanga and her baby, and well, of course, we did not invite that
horrible Giant Chameleon, or Lone Wolf. We cannot let them amongst our people--why it's horrifying to think
what would happen! We will run from the Twin Mushroom Pavilion to the safety of your hostel if we get so much
as a whiff of them lurking near by. And oh, almost forgot,we Lady Bugs also invited Raymond Reindeer who RSVP'd quickly
and said he "would be there with his boots on", and we are delighted, because they are so busy this time of year,
delivering all those Christmas gifts. We couldn't not invite him, because he lives in our meadow,
and we didn't want to hurt his feelings. We Lady Bugs thought he would scoff at the idea, with Christmas only 19 days away,
but he sent his drawing of himself doing his happy dance in his boots, when he got his invitation in the U S mail.
"Now, now, dear" said Mrs Orange Bear, "don't get yourself so worked up. I am sure that the Twin Mushroom Pavilion is quite safe.
We do business here on its grounds, 24/ 7.
"But," added Mr, Orange Bear quickly, "we will certainly provide you a safe refuge if those characters should show up
at your picnic; not to worry". Also, I will notify my cousin Ollie Orange Bear about your picnic since he works for the local paper
and would like to interview Raymond Reindeer.
Lady Octavia Bug asked, Thank you so much. Would you like me to sign your visitor's book?
I would be more than happy to do that."
"Why, yes, that would be great, because it helps us build our reputation too. How kind of you to offer, " replies Mrs. Orange Bear,
" follow me to the alcove."
And so they walk the short distance to the hostel, and enter the door. There in the cozy alcove is the Visitor's Log Book
and Lady Octavia Bug signs her name
exactly as it appears on her business card:
"I'll be going now, Perhaps we shall see you soon,
but if not, then there will be more opportunities. I invite over night guests for the holidays often and
sometimes, they prefer European pleasantries instead of the meadow. I just reassure myself that it is not personal.
Some "people" just don't like grass and flowers and sunshine," said Lady Octavia.
And so she leaves the Twin Mushroom pavilion's hostel and waves good-bye to Mr and Mrs. Bear.
pg 9:
"Swamp frog cartoon" by Gloria Poole of Missouri; 16-Mar-2014; acrylics on paper |
As Lady Octavia left the Twin Mushrooms Pavilion and hostel
to head back to her home under the Big Tree,
she saw Swamp Frog sitting on the cobblestone.She was surprised since he usually didn't frequent public places.
She asked , "Swamp Frog, what are you doing here? Why did you leave your swamp?"
He answered, "rumor has it that the Lady Bugs are sponsoring a picnic--a big to-do-- sometime soon, and I thought to myself,
'how convenient! The flies will be there in droves and I can slurp them up."
Lady Octavia said, "Swamp Frog, you are NOT invited. It is gross to watch you eat flies."
Swamp Frog's big red tongue unfurled and his saliva dripped as he rubbed his chin.
"Well", he said," come to think of it, Lady Bugs make a tasty snack".
Lady Octavia panicked, then scurried away as fast as her six legs could take her, back to her house
under Big Tree and slammed the door shut and bolted it.
"Whew, that was close", she thought to herself.
When Lady Octavia got home to her house under The Big Tree,
she kicked back in her favorite chair to watch the news. It had been a stressful day, after all.
Swamp Frog made it known he would gobble her up given the chance. And with that news,she had hurried,
hurried, hurried,hurried so fast she nearly fell over her six feet.
On the news was a report about the NSA rover on Mars and it got her attention. She thought to herself,
" wonder what Mars is like? " and then she thought, "wonder if the astronauts miss earth?".
She fell asleep in her chair and slept restlessly. The next day, on her cell phone was a text message from Mars!
The land rover texted her from Mars! It was unbelievable but there it was, plain as day.
Lady Octavia was incredulous. "How can this be? How did they know my cell phone number?
Can they read minds?" all tumbled through her mind at once. Just then, a photo appeared on her cell phone
and it said "from Mars's rover". It was an astronaut!
And he had the weirdest eyes she had ever seen on any human. Well, she thought to herself,
'maybe he isn't human? Maybe he's a Martian? " Then that idea just took on a life of its own.
A Martian contacted her! She KNEW it--they can read minds!
She ran to tell the other Lady Bugs, saying, "they will never believe this. I have to show them." And so she did.
Pg. 11
there was ollie Orange Bear marching up and down outside her house holding a protest sign.
She went outside to talk to him. "Ollie, what do you think you are doing?" she asked.
" I am protesting. WHEN is that picnic? I need an interview for the paper and I want to interview Raymond Reindeer.
My uncle Orange Bear told me about it. And I can't wait forever. The newspaper wants an interview now.
Plus everybody is tired of waiting, "replied Ollie. "Well, I am trying to get it all together but we need nice weather.
Mama Kanga is bringing her baby and it is in The Meadow, at Fantasy Forest Twin Mushrooms, not inside the Pavilion," replied Lady Octavia.
"Well, I guess you are right about that. Will you call me when you have it settled?" asks Ollie.
"Sure, I'll be glad too", replies Lady Octavia.
pg 12:
Lady Octavia worried some about what Ollie Orange Bear said
and she didn't want people to lose interest in the picnic.
On the other hand, she wanted it to be a pleasant picnic, not a downpour of April showers or a last minute blast of winter.
What should she do? " I know", she thought to herself,"I'll call NOAA and they will know the weather. ".
She dialed up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency on their 800 number.
"Hello, NOAA! this is Lady Octavia .I need to know if the weather is going to be pleasant for a while
or if there's more freeze and ice on the way?" she said.
The NOAA guy said, "Lady Octavia, I can tell you this much. Right this minute our radar has detected the birds flying back
from the South Seas, and they have entered our air space. They should be back into your neighborhood in a few days. ".
Birds flying north from the South Seas |
in the tropics. And oh, I do love to hear them singing every morningas my wake-up call.
Thank you very much, NOAA," said Lady Octavia.
The NOAA man said, "Lady Octavia you have made my day. It's lonely sitting sitting here watching this radar screen all day.
Call anytime. "
Lady Octavia said, "why thank you, I might need too again when we Lady Bugs have set a definite day for our picnic.
It's a big to-do you know.We have invited Raymond Reindeer who is on Santa's alternate list for Christmas Eve,
and Blue Kanga and her toddler. And of course, with a wee one coming to picnic,the weather has to be pleasant. "
She hung up, and ran to Ollie Orange Bear's corner of the woods.
"Ollie! Ollie! " she called.
Ollie Orange Bear appeared and said, "Miss Octavia, you remembered me!"
Lady Octavia said, "well, Ollie, the picnic is not today but it's very soon now, because NOAA says the birds are flying back
and will be here any day , "replied Lady Octavia.
Ollie said "Miss Olivia, who's NOAA?"
"Silly me, " said Lady Octavia, " NOAA means National Oceanic and atmospheric agency,
and they give extended weather reports.He told me he saw the birds approaching because they entered his air space on radar.
Isn't that wonderful? That means WARM weather for sure. "
Ollie said, "and that means P-I-C-N-I-C soon, doesn't it?"
"yes, indeed. I will let you know when, " replied Lady Octavia,
"I've got to go now because we have to ramp up again for the picnic to be as we planned.See you soon Ollie." And she left.
pg 13:
Lady Octavia was true to her word. She called up Ollie Orange Bear to tell him the picnic is happening today. Ring! Ring!
Ollie answers his phone. Lady Octavia said , " Ollie, today is the day. The picnic is happening today . Do you plan to come to interview Raymond Reindeer ? " asked Lady Octavia.
Ollie replied, " I certainly am. Where and what time? " "Well, we have scheduled the picnic table at the Twin Mushrooms Pavilion in the Fantasy Forest, for lunch time---noonish."
"I know exactly where that is Miss Olivia [he knows her official title is Lady Octavia but he was taught as child to call older women Miss or Mrs.], and I'll be there. Please tell Raymond Reindeer to expect me. "
Pg. 14
Then Fuchsia Rabbit with her whiskers wrapped in tin foil.
Then Red Cap Monkey got there too and seemed happy. Raymond Reindeer arrived
and folded himself up on the lawn beside the picnic table.
"He sure doesn't look like his drawing of himself,"though Lady Octavia as she set the table.
"Raymond, Reindeer, I am so glad you came. I did so want to meet you after hearing that you are on Santa's list
of alternates for Christmas Eve. I guess that means you are on call 24/7 till 26th of December?" says Lady Octavia.
"Lady Octavia, I have been on that list for years. Santa never calls me. I wait and wait--no flight," replies Raymond,
"Santa's crew never calls in sick. Who would and miss the biggest event of the year for children?'
"It's an honor anyway, don't you think?" asks Lady Octavia.
"I suppose so, answer Raymond, "but very few people know of it. "
Lady Octavia Bug said quickly, "I read about it in the local news and I told everyone all about you."
Raymond said, "that's very kind of you to try to cheer me up and for inviting me to the picnic.
I almost never get invited anywhere because people think my antlers wouldn't fit into their house, or
that I don't eat people food, or too busy, you know stuff like that. Sometimes I am very sad at Christmas,
feeling useless and unwanted."
"Oh, no, dear, you mustn't feel that way. I am sure that you give Santa much peace of mind,
knowing he has a reliable back up plan just in case. Planning for disasters is something all important people
have to do," says Lady Octavia, warmly reassuring.
When Ollie Orange Bear arrived at the Twin Mushrooms Raymond Reindeer was there all folded up
with those long legs tucked under him and he was was thrilled to be interviewed.

"I am only the alternate reindeer for Santa, you know that don't you?"
Ollie replied, " Hey, yourself! You wonderful reindeer that gets to fly over housetops
and make children happy once a year."
Raymond said, " Oh, Ollie. I wish with all my heart that is true but so far, I am just the on-call reindeer
in case Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen are out sick. They NEVER call-out sick--never. "
Ollie said, "before we get started, I want to get my note tablet to take notes. I know it's old fashioned
but I love to write my notes in my own hand-writing on real paper.
It just makes it more memorable in my mind to do it that way."
"Well. sure take your time. The Lady Bugs are setting the table and I think we're early. " said Raymond.
Ok, Ollie, was situated so seriously with his paper tablet in his hand and his pen poised.
"Now, Raymond, tell me how Santa selected you?"
Raymond said, "well, you know in Lapland where all reindeer live, there is an annual festival
where Santa and his elves appear and they hold reindeer games to see which reindeers are the strongest.
You know reindeers have to be very strong to pull that sleigh loaded with a trillion toys for children everywhere.
But that's not all.Reindeer have to have good eyesight too, and a keen sense of direction. The year I was selected,
I won the second prize for keen sense of direction.
Because I didn't have a perfect score, but did beat everyone except the four reindeer who pull the sleigh,
Santa put me as the "alternate" list which is basically being on-call for Santa to call from midnight on Christmas Eve
to midnight on Christmas Day, a twenty-four period."
Ollie asked, "Raymond do you get paid for that?"
"What! Are you kidding? It's an honor to be on Santa's list. I don't know if other reindeer get paid
but I wouldn't dream of it, because just think, flying Santa around the world,while he distributes toys
to children is a privilege! I would be thrilled to serve--Santa gives away all his toys he and his elves design and make,
you know. It's not likely he is very rich." exclaimed Raymond.
Ollie said, "Raymond, what if I write this and put it in the newspaper?
Do you think that will help you get to actually fly Santa?"
"Well. I don't think it could hurt me in any way. Maybe one of those other reindeer would want a vacation
and see that news and think, "aha, now's the time for that vacation', " said Raymond.
"Ok, then, I think if I hurry I can get this in today's news since the picnic is today.
Sorry but I can't stay for the picnic--got to go if I am to meet the deadline for news today,"
shouted Ollie as he was already turned and headed back to the city.
Pg. 16
Ollie's timing was perfect. The Ladies [Bug] called Raymond to lunch.
"Raymond, Raymond! lunch is on the table. Come and eat before it gets cold. Fried chicken, potato salad and chocolate cake for dessert", shouted Lady Octavia.
Raymond had to sort of wiggle into the spot saved for him, between Red Cap Monkey and Lady Octavia
because,well, to be polite he was so MUCH bigger than they were. Blue Kanga and her baby and Fuschia Rabbit
and the other Lady Bugs were on the opposite side of the table. Blue Kanga has those enormous legs that
she bounces on along the earth and that have to be tucked under the table too.
The table was set and the food was there and it smelled delicious!

Lady Octavia said to everyone, "Raymond was interviewed today by Ollie Orange Bear
and it might be in today's paper so please read it when you get home.
Also, we are going to have a blessing on this food.
So, Raymond will you please ask The Lord's blessings on this food? "
Raymond said, "me, Miss Octavia?"
And she said, "sure why not?"
So, Raymond swallowed hard and began, " Dear Lord JESUS, we thank you for this wonderful picnic
and all the food so lovingly prepared by the Lady Bugs.And I thank you especially that they invited me
and that I got to tell Ollie Orange Bear about my dreams of helping Santa.
And thank you for these friends gathered here,and bless this food and the hands that prepared it
and use it to the nourishment of our bodies. Amen".
"Raymond, that prayer brought tears to my eyes. Nobody ever blessed me before", said Lady Octavia,
then quickly said before everyone got all teary eyed, "let's eat, I'm starved!"
And everyone ate and ate and had chocolate cake and went home happy after saying their thank yous.
THE END OF THE STORY! If you are interested in publishing this story into a paper book please contact me via my wired, home telephone numer in Springfield Missouri, or by emailing me at:
Ms.Gloria.Poole [at] [not linked to avoid being cyber-attacked]
or send me mail via USPS to my apartment in Springfield Missouri;or email to any email you are certain is mine, but be wary because in the past 12 years I have had about TWENTY-FIVE email addresses I bought and paid for on domains stolen from me, so I don't trust them much.
Also, thank you to readers and viewers in these countries US, Turkey, Germany, France, Ireland, Norway, and Russia of this particular story I wrote and illustrated and have the art work on paper where I created it. I appreciate it and I value the feedback I get from readers and viewers of art I make, as a general rule. You can write me by email to my Gmail, Yahoo, or my icloud account emails or call me on my home wired telephone in Springfield Missouri with a 417 area code; or via my cell phones if you know the numbers. For the reocrd, I ported what was my landline telephone number in Columbia Missouri to a cell phone and it is with me in Springfield,Missouri and so are the other cell /smartphones I have had for years. Be aware that I do not answer calls if no name is given in the caller info.
About author and illustrator Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri and Georgia:
This is one of my personal logos that I made with a computer program instead of paint brush or ink pen. It is to make easily visible the many roles I have. Also, for the record: I am not an employee of anyone. I "work" for myself from my own apt in Springfield, Missouri drawing, sketching, blogging, photographing, painting and tweeting. I do not have a boss nor a supervisor nor a husband, nor a business partner. I also have never signed a power of attorney to anyone to represent me in any matter [yet]. I do not have a literary agent, nor an artist's rep and never did up until today's update on 23rd Oct 2020 at 3:11pm. ].

This is me Gloria Poole,RN,artist, author and illustrator of this story as I looked in spring 2014 but I look exactly the same today.

Copyright Notice: this blog and all content on it, all art, all words and all photos, and the whole story of "the Lady Bugs that give picnics" were created by me Gloria Poole, and belongs exclusively to me Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri, and I own all rights to it/them. I registered the Copyright on paper with The Library of Congress years ago. I sign my art Gloria but I am known on web in variations of my name including Ms. Gloria Poole, gloriapoole;gloria-poole ; gloria.poole ; artist-gloriapoole; Gloria Poole; "Gloria Poole,RN,artist: ; "Poole.Gloria"; gloriapoole at gmail; gloriapoole.RN; "Ms Gloria Poole" and other variations of my real, born with legal name of Gloria Poole, at my own, private apt in Springfield, Missouri that is not shared by anyone. Copyright notice first posted in 2014 for this story I wrote and illustrated. I, Gloria Poole, created the art on this blog, signed it, wrote the words of it, and photographed it and uploaded it to this blog for the purpose of entertaining pre-school children and encouraging parents to read to their children. This blog and is individual posts and or its artwork may not be transferred to anyone anywhere, nor printed at remote, nor saved to disk in its entirety, nor downloaded by anyone but me [Gloria Poole, creator artist, illustrator, author of it] and it may not be copied, nor photo-copied, nor screen captured. I, Gloria Poole, born in the state of Georgia in U S A, am U S citizen and reside in Springfield, Missouri. This blog is covered by U S Copyright law and I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to it.
All telephones associated with this blog and its underlying account, or that belong to me personally are located physically in my apt in Springfield Missouri. Also, you may contact me via my home telephone numbers, or call me on my cell phones if you know the numbers. I prefer that you do NOT contact me via email because of the past experience of unknown persons breaking into this blog. The first published copy of this is already in print and belongs to my two grandchildren Elijah and Amala who are minor children; but were toddlers when I wrote it for them. I own the copyrights. I wrote this and illustrated it mostly for them and then decided to share it on web for other children. This was developed as I went along into an online story book. I modified the online version and title so it is not exactly as their printed book since I promised them a book like no one else in world has . You may contact me at my apt in Springfield Missouri which is my residence but I do own some land in the state of Georgia where I was born. This account is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone, and nether is my isp account shared with anyone. /b> is the about me page on this blog. is another blog of mine that is one of my main blogs.
For the record: I am a white, single again twice-divorced woman, Southern Baptist, Christian, and the mother of only two children who are grown daughters named Jennifer and Leigh and I do not have a son. I am also a prolife blogger, photographer, citizen journo, poet, artist in all mediums, and now an author. I have written five or six chapters of another book that cyber-criminals at remote destroyed my electronic tablet trying to get control of. So, I don't know yet IF i will complete that book [which has nothing to do with this one].
For more about me see the about me page on; and also the about me page on this blog.
Gloria Poole / Gloria Poole, RN, artist/ gloria-poole / artist-gloriapoole / Ms Gloria Poole / gloriapoole.RN / @gloriapoole / gloria.poole / Poole.Gloria / cartooning-by-gloriapoole / photo-by-gloriapoole, and other variations of my real, born with name of Gloria Poole which is my legal name again since I resumed my maiden name including my surname of Poole after both divorces. Created by me, updated by me, all expenses of it paid for by me Gloria Poole at my own, private, not shared apt in Missouri on 25 June 2014 at 10:08am . Update by me Gloria on 11 August 2014 at 9:32am and all updates as detailed in last paragraph. since some seem to think it is secret or suspicious. It isn't. And to tell that readers can read some of the provenance of art I create on the blog in my former married name of, but remember I am divorced from male DBP since Oct 2007 after 4 horrible years of marriage in which he caused many injuries to me and tried to kill me; and I removed the Pappas name from my name in Oct 2007 by Court order of District Court Judge who signed final divorce decree in Arapahoe County Colorado.I resumed my full maiden name at the same time.
I quote :" European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used and data collected on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, we have added a notice on your blog to explain Google's use of certain Blogger and Google cookies, including use of Google Analytics and AdSense cookies, and other data collected by Google.
You are responsible for confirming this notice actually works for your blog, and that it displays. If you employ other cookies, for example by adding third party features, this notice may not work for you. If you include functionality from other providers there may be extra information collected from your users."[end quote notice to me today 23rd Oct 2020]. For the record, I, Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse and artist, cartoonist, do not personally collect ANY information from those who view my blogs or sites, but I do look at the statistics that Google gathers for me, which consists of numbers of people who viewed a particular blog or site, and what country they were in at the time. I do not record that in any other way than what Google collects and keeps for me as owner of this site. I do not use viewer's info in any way, in other words.
I am leaving it on web for that reason. It details the history of this created work.
I, Gloria Poole,RN,artist at my own apt in Missouri on 28 March 2015 at 9:25am.
Updated by me Gloria Poole at my own, private apt in Missouri on 29 March 2015 at 12:08 pm
to add in the content that had been stolen off it. I did what I could do to secure this blog also.
Updated by me Gloria Poole again on 30th March 2015 at 11:08am to change some of the photos of art
I created for better photos of it. Also yesterday 29 March 2015 I added back the missing pages to this story
and the accompanying art that had been stolen off blog by cyber-criminals.
Update by me Gloria Poole,RN, artist on 5 May 2015 at 6: 13pm to say that I corrected the photo of the hostel
and that I have the original art work I created for this blog and the words in paper form also.
Also, I made some changes to the security settings and telephones of this account of mine because
a cyber-criminal at remote had altered the width of the blog so that some letters were cut off;
and I corrected that to full width. I am actively seeking to publish this story that I wrote and
illustrated into a paper book and at some point in time, I may take this off the web to put it into paper book form.
Update by me Gloria Poole, RN, artist [of /in Missouri since Oct 2009], today 23 June 2015 at 10:28am
to amend paragraph about "hostel" art and to write that I added a new phone number to my telephone numbers
in an effort to secure some of my blogs and accounts. I rotated around some of my telephone numbers.
I have not moved from Missouri, and am still single-again, still white, still Southern Baptist Christian woman.
Also see these sites of mine because they also contain art I made; and photos I photographed of genre scenes:,.com/gloria0817
Update on 6th Sept 2015 at 7:14am by me Gloria Poole to notate that I made changes to some of the phones that
I had previously added to this account of necessity because cyber-criminals tried to hijack one of my cell phone account
by using the carrier's server and insider info of my account. I still have the phone but do not know how many of the employees
of the carrier are able to access my info on it. So, I made changes to this account of mine.
Also, regardless of what cyber-criminals say, I do not have a "boss" or "supervisor".
The man who intermittently tries to hijack my accounts is my 2nd exhusband with initials DBP,
who swore he "would track me like an animal and kill me". But he is not getting that chance if I can help it.
Obviously this affects many aspects of my life. I do not continue any sort of relationship with him <>
and have not seen him in person since Jan 2009, in a federal courtroom in Denver , Colorado,
when I was summoned because he owes me a ton of money for injuries he caused me
when he was violating a restraining order against him and deliberately crippled me to prevent me from leaving him.
I did leave him eventualy and am divorced from him [male DBP] since Oct 2007, and there are records of that in Colorado.
I removed his surname of Pappas from my name by Court order in Oct 2007 and resumed my full maiden name.
There were 3 other trauma events with permanent injuries he caused me in those horrile years.
I MOVED to Columbia Missouri on Oct 31, 2009 and into my own apt on Nov 2nd 2009 here in Missouri.
I am keeping this running commentary because it documents the events that have happened in producing this story,
writing it, illustrating it, maintaining it. I still hope to publish this on paper in a book that anybody can buy
at book stores. I am also adding in the "standard" copyright I have put on my other blogs this year.
This portion of this blog after the story ends, is documentation and clarification which is very necessary for many reasons.
This blog and all content, all words, all photos and all art on it, are owned by me and were created and posted by me Gloria Poole , RN, artist of Missouri and Georgia, signed by me, photographed by me and uploaded by me, and I own all rights to it collectively and individually. I do not have a "boss" nor a 'supervisor" as I am not an employee of anyone; and I live alone. The criminals who try to steal my identity with a regular effort are common criminals and ID thieves who should be in prison. You can read my profile for this blog at:
This is my signature I painted to mark the turning of the year. I also painted the "brush" on it. I have posted this on my blogs as I update them.
Gloria Poole, own all rights to all content on this blog to the art and words on it and the Copyright.
Usually I sign the art I create as simply Gloria since that is my first name, that I was born with;
but on pencil and or ink drawings I sometimes also sign my born with surname of Poole which is my legal name again
because I resumed it by Court order after both divorces. I am divorced from male with initials DBP of Colorado since Oct 2007
and he has no authority to log in to any account of mine nor to use my name or content in any way.
I resumed my full maiden name INCLUDING MY BORN WITH SURNAME OF POOLE after the divorce from him was final in Oct 2007.
I MOVED to Columbia, Missouri in Oct 2009 and to Springfield Missouri in Sept 2018.
I am also known on the web and in real life as Gloria;
Gloria Poole; Gloria J Poole; Gloria Poole, RN, artist; and on the web as : gloriapoole; gloria-poole; gloria.poole;
Ms Gloria Poole; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole_RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817;
gpoole817; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; artist-gloria; Poole,Gloria; gloriapoole1749;
and other variations of my real, born with, and legal name of Gloria Poole.
For the record, I am a white, single-again, twice divorced, Southern Baptist, born again,
Christian, woman and the mother of only two children who are grown daughters who are named Jennifer and Leigh.
I am also a prolife activist, blogger, artist in all mediums; photographer for my own purposes, Registered Nurse
with a license in Missouri but before that for most of my life in the state of Georgia, U.S. citizen born in the state of Georgia;
University of Georgia alum, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing alum, writer, illustrator,
author, personhood promoter. This blog may not be downloaded, nor copied individually or collectively as a whole;
nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor may the photos;
or art on it be reproduced or saved to disk by anyone .
and I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to this blog collectively
and individually as single posts. All telephones listed on this account and any account of mine on the web
belong to me personally and are in my apartment in Missouri or in my possession at all times.
Some of my numbers are wired telephones and some are mobile phones. This blog and all blogs that I create
and that contain my words I wrote and or art I made and signed and or photos that I photographed
belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole, of Springfield, Missouri and Georgia.
Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole /gloria-poole /gloria.poole/ Ms Gloria Poole
/ Poole Gloria / G-L-O-R-I-A / gloriapoole1749 /gloria0817 /gpoole817 / gloriapooleRN at yahoo
/ gloriapoole.RN / artist-gloriapoole /Gloria Poole,RN,artist /cartooning-by-gloriapoole /
photo-by-gloriapoole, and other variations of my real name with or without my professional status
as Registered Nurse and with or without numbers after my name, at my own private apt in Springfield Missouri
which is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone,
and neither is my isp account shared with anyone which means no one is authorized to log into any account of mine anywhere but me.
/signed/ Gloria Poole, RN, artist; at my apt in Missouri on 6 Sept 2015 at 7:14am.
and to keep on web. I just realized that criminals at remote broke into my blog [this one] and tampered with it AGAIN
to change some of the words to teeny, tiny.
When those cyber-criminals and ID thieves go to federal prison, my life will get lots better.
Meanwhile, I may have to correct this later, since it is going to take a while.
but I suppose because I copyrighted this story and art at Library of Congress on PAPER,
it put my info into database that bad people also have access too.
It seems virtually impossible to prevent people who have NO authority to login to this account,
from logging into it by cyber-crime. I have 2 step login authorization set for this account;
and all telephones are mine but it doesn't seem to secure it from corrupt people who work for cell phone carriers.
I am not sure what solution is. But I am leaving this online for now.
Gloria Poole, RN, artist of/ in Missouri to add in 2 of my cartoon sites
today 31 Dec 2015 at 9:28am. update info.
also 27th March 2016 at 4:28pm to update the accompanying site of cartoons I made at
Gloria Poole, RN, artist on 17th April 2016 at 11:11am
to update this blog slightly and also my cartoon auxiliary site and
to remind all that I have in my possession the art of the story that I created on paper
and then photographed to put on web. For the record the weird formatting is NOT my doing.
Cyber-criminals break into this blog routinely because they are trying to steal the copyright and any future royalties.
I created all content on this blog and when I created this post, the words were uniform size.
It seems to be IMPOSSIBLE to stop the US-governments-former-employees from breaking into my blogs.
Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse and artist in all mediums on 13th Oct 2016 at 4:38pm .
I am adding in the same set of words as copyright notice I have put on other blogs
since about May 2015 to identify this as one of my blogs.
I am also keeping the original copyright notices that I added in from time to time as documentation
that this was copyrighted all along as I created it.
Gloria Poole, own all rights to all content on this blog.
Usually I sign the art I create as simply Gloria since that is my first name, that I was born with;
but on pencil and or ink drawings I sometimes also sign my born with surname of Poole
which is my legal name again because I removed the Pappas name from my name at time of final divorce decree
in Oct 2007 from male DBP, and I resumed my full maiden name of Gloria Poole by Court order at the same time.
I am also known on the web and in real life as Gloria; Gloria Poole; Gloria J Poole; Gloria Poole, RN, artist;
and on the web as : gloriapoole; gloria-poole; gloria.poole; Ms Gloria Poole; gloriapoole.RN;
gloriapoole_RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; artist-gloriapoole;
gloriapoole-paintings; artist-gloria; Poole,Gloria; gloriapoole1749;
and other variations of my real, born with, and legal name of Gloria Poole.
For the record, I am a white, single-again, twice divorced, Southern Baptist, born again, Christian,
woman and the mother of only two children who are grown daughters who are named Jennifer and Leigh.
I am also a prolife activist, blogger, artist in all mediums; photographer for my own purposes,
Registered Nurse with a license in Missouri but before that for most of my life in the state of Georgia,
U.S. citizen born in the state of Georgia; University of Georgia alum, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing alum,
writer, illustrator, author, personhood promoter.
This blog may not be downloaded, nor copied individually or collectively as a whole;
nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor may the photos or art on it be reproduced or saved to disk by anyone .
Gloria Poole, own all rights to this blog collectively
and individually as single posts. All telephones listed on this account and any account of mine
belong to me personally and are in my apartment in [Springfield] Missouri or in my possession at all times.
Some of my numbers are wired telephones and some are mobile phones.
This blog and all blogs that I create and that contain my words I wrote and or art I made and
signed and or photos that I photographed belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole, of Missouri and Georgia.
/ G-L-O-R-I-A / gloriapoole1749 /gloria0817 /gpoole817 / gloriapooleRN at yahoo / gloriapoole.RN / artist-gloriapoole
/Gloria Poole,RN,artist /cartooning-by-gloriapoole
/ photo-by-gloriapoole, and other variations of my real name with or without my professional status as Registered Nurse
and with or without numbers after my name, at my own private apt in [Springfield] Missouri,
which is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone,
and neither is my isp account shared with anyone which means no one is authorized to log into any account of mine anywhere but me.
/signed/ Gloria Poole, RN, artist; at my apt in Missouri on 12th Dec 2016 at 1:32pm.
the story I wrote and illustrated as above, logged in to this account of mine to add to a cartoon site of mine:
today 12th Dec 2016 at 1:23pm only to find that the entire site of cartoons is being blocked by
unauthorized persons who broke into my account to plunder and steal.
Since the cartoon site is MISSING [entire site of it was stolen-- ripped off blog by cybercriminal
trying to port my account to their phone, I am putting the cartoon I planned to add to it, to this blog as follows.
and those are my fingers on the edge of the lil book.
COPYRIGHT. Gloria Poole,RN,artist of/in Missouri. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
This is cartoon I intended to add to my cartoon site cartoons by gloria at today.
I drew this, signed it, photographed it, uploaded it and posted it today 12th Dec 2016
since I could not post it to the site of mine that has art I created on it,
because site is being blocked by criminals who broke into my account.
I, Gloria Poole of Missouri have a paper copyright from the Library of Congress for this story I wrote
and illustrated and named "The Adventures of Lady Bugs that give picnics" as told above.
Gloria Poole, who is a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri,
and an artist/author/cartoonist/illustrator/photographer/personhood for all promoter/Christian/republican
defined by Constitution and white woman/mother. It is necessary to include this statement because several people
in past year have tried to totally hijack my name and identity and content on the web.
Some of those are in faraway continents, & some of those are in other states of US,
and some are black people and some MIGHT be religions other than Christian.
I include this detail to define which "gloriapoole " ;"Gloria Poole" I am.
I have never lived in Florida, nor Alabama, nor country of Turkey,
nor have I ever sold any of my copyright rights to anything to anybody.
I contacted the FBI earlier about the attempted theft of my name and they have helped me.
I retain all rights to this story and this account and this blog.
Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Springfield Missouri on 1st April 2019 at 4:44pm
to add in this sentence: I moved with all my telephones and all my belongings via moving company to Springfield, Missouri
on 22nd Sept, 2018. I live alone in my own apartment and am gradually getting control of some of my accounts
that were hijacked in Columbia Missouri as I was moving out .
Updated by me Gloria Poole, on 5th July 2019 at 5:11pm in Springfield, Missouri.
Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist of Springfield, Missouri.
Also this account, this blog and this online story and all telephones listed as mine on this account
and on the profile of this account belong only to me Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist in all mediums,
residing in Missouri since Oct 31, 2009.
I create art and write from my own private apartment and do not have any business partners.
I, Gloria Poole, WROTE this story and CREATED all art on it,and I OWN ALL RIGHTS TO IT.
I have the ORIGINAL art on paper of it in my possession.
They have not succeeded! I copyrighted this story and the art of it at the US Library of Congress Copyright
office in hard copy with a paper copy of this story and its art.
And I paid the copyright fees. You may read this story and view the art
but you may not copy it, nor transfer it,nor download it, nor forward any domain to it.
/s/ Gloria Poole,RN,artist; Missouri. COPYRIGHT.
See full copyright notice at bottom of this post.
Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri,
artist/author/cartoonist/illustrator, photographer/ republican, Christian,
twice-divorced; single-again/ white/ woman/mother of 2 grown daughters named Jennifer and Leigh
in /of [Springfield ]Missouri, 28th March 2017 at 2:43pm.
belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO ME.
See full copyright notice at bottom of this post.
I appreciate it very much.
by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist in all mediums ; at 8:43am central time 8th July 2020.
Gloria Poole on 23rd Oct 2020 at 1:30pm, from my own private apartment in Springfield, Missouri
and extensive corrections necessary as just looking at site was proof it was hacked. It was in disarray.
I have tried to correct the problems, to make it flow as intended, to make it include the entire story,
and to include facts that I live alone in Springfield Missouri private apartment and am divorced since Oct 2007.
I also added in the Google alert to viewers that I am required by EU's General Protection of Data Laws
since I have followers in Europe.
I logged in with 2 step code at 1:30pm and I am still logged in at 4pm trying to make all corrections.
I only hope that somehow by the grace of GOD this story and its art brings giggles to very young children
who are guarantined at home with their folks during the national pandemic.
If you enjoy reading this and seeing the art I created, please write me at Ms.Gloria.Poole [at] gmail. com
or to other gmails,yahoos, or icloud accounts of mine that you can verify in some way.
Today is 23rd Oct 2020 and I am completing this update/correction of hacked content at 4:11pm. /s/ Gloria
Updated by me Gloria Poole after retrieving my account from i.d. thieves and after alerting law enforcement. You viewers will notice that most of my cartoon story I wrote and illustrated was ripped off my website by criminal hackers. I am trying to get control of it again and Google , thank goodness found many of my cartoons and much art work and selfies I had created in previous years. I am being cautious about this website because of obvious reasons. Here is my 2022 selfie and my hand written copyright notice:
selfie of me Gloria Poole / gloriapoole / Ms Gloria Poole/ in year 2022; Copyright Notice: all content, art, photos, designs, words, on this blog and every blog of mine belongs exclusively to me Gloria Poole, RN,artist of Springfield Missouri and I own all copyrights in U S, E U and U K laws to it.

Copyright.All rights of this entire blog and every blog I create, every cartoon I create, every painting/sketch/drawing/clip art/ design I create, every word I write, belongs exclusively to me Gloria Poole, a/k/a/ Gloria in script handwriting on art I create and sign/ gloriapoole/ Gloria Poole/ Gloria Poole,RN, artist/ gloriapoole.RN/ gpoole817/ gloria0817/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole,Gloria/ gloria.poole/gloria_poole/gloria-poole; gloriapoole_RN/ Springfield Missouri, 7June2022; 7:05am. All art I created for the entire story that is copyrighted in U S Library of Congress was created/signed/photographed/uploaded by me Gloria Poole and is owned exclusively by me and all copyrights to it. I have never sold the copyrights nor have I ever authorized anyone else anywhere to use my real, born with name, nor have I ever provided anyone with the password(s) to my computers/tablets/smartphones/cell phones/laptops/accounts/bank accounts, for purposes of FBI.
I create other blogs and content and #art and I post some of it to other blogs. I also write, and work actively to end the premeditated murder of the human race. You can see more of my content on these blogs of mine:,,,
And other blogs of mine not written here but on other sites of mine also. Also I do not have any Google voice virtual numbers since 2022 since they were all stolen from me by i.d. thieves. However, I still own all the physical phones I had for years and they are in my apartment in Republic Missouri.
Selfie Gloria Poole, gloriapoole/ Republic Missouri,2023. via a smartphone of mine. Copyright. All rights to all content on this blog and any blog of mine belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole/gloriapoole of Republic Missouri. I am a white, unmarried, twice-divorced, christian, woman and a U S citizen by birth in state of GA.
Updated by me Gloria Poole/gloriapoole/ of Republic Missouri on 19December 2023 at 6am to add in drawing of peacock I drew/painted/signed/photographed/uploaded and posted to try to get control of my name and content I created. My profile page for this blog and this #Cartoon story I wrote and illustrated and copyrighted with The Library of Congress is located at:
If you are not trying to kill me, you can contact me by telephone(s), by U S mail or by email to or other gmail accounts of mine. I have the phone number that was my landline phone in Columbia Missouri for 10 yrs and I have other numbers also on smartphones and a home phone with a 417 number in Republic Missouri. I moved to Republic Missouri on 31 Jul2023. My daughter Jennifer Borelli moved to Edina MN in 2021 and my daughter Leigh Bills moved to Springfield MO in about 2016. I have no sons.
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